Monday, February 23, 2009

NY Times Offensive Cartoon

This cartoon was posted in the New York Times and I was interested to see what people thought about it. This cartoon could be interpreted many different ways and the author claims that there was no racist intention. When I look at this cartoon i see blatant racism. There is a clear connection to President Barack Obama, historical racist references to African Americans and monkeys, and of course the stimulus bill. I think it was so distasteful and disrespectful.


  1. I agree with you. With the legacy of atavistic depictions of African-Americans, I find this completely indefensible. I haven't really heard any other actual "non-racist" interpretations (only that they exist), and I can't understand why no NY Post editor has been fired.

    The quote-unquote "apology" makes me want to wretch. Although I guess it's funny that people with no hearts (Murdoch) can deliver something so half-hearted:

  2. Thanks for your comment Brian, Im glad that you found this "cartoon" to be as offensive as i did.

  3. nice discussion... i too was appalled at this cartoon and the lack of accountability for it.
